Tea Truffles Line Up: Earl Grey, Chai, and Matcha

You can find photos and the recipe for the matcha truffles up on Design Sponge!

I've always thought truffles were fun because you can just put a bunch of shit into a bowl and do some stirring and then you have a desert that makes everyone say "omg fancy."  Even the name sounds like something that makes you better than everyone else. "Oh, yaaas darling I made truffles but thanks for bringing that ... salad ... ha!" But, really, they're super simple and rustic, and this particular recipe makes them intensely chocolatey and decadent as hell.  

 I first started experimenting with truffles when I was a (fat) kid.  I had an entire book of different truffle variations... things like lemon, caramel, allspice, cardamom, chili, etc.  Sometimes that list would even include tequila and whiskey because I was a (drunk) kid.  Just kidding about that, honestly I need to quit talking about alcohol on this site before someone sends me another really serious form submission about it.  I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM.

Anywayyyyyy, the point is - get creative!  Have fun! Add chili flakes! Use white chocolate (wow, you're really living now!). For the record, I used 70% cocoa chocolate which is perfect for me, but if you aren't into intense chocolate flavor explosions consider using something more universal like 50% cocoa.  

I topped the chai truffles with a sprinkle of curry powder because, like I said, these are fun to get creative with.  The earl grey guys got a sprinkle of earl grey tea powder, which you can make by pulsing earl grey tea a few times in a coffee bean grinder or a magic bullet or any other spinny sharp thing.  Or a mortar and pestle.  I just had to Google how to spell both of those words.  Enjoy these babes on a platter of fruit and cheese! Besos!

Tea Truffles: Chai & Earl Grey (makes about 12 truffles)


  • 10 oz chocolate (I used 70%) 
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 3 t tea leaf powder (chai tea or earl grey)*


  • 1/4 cup semi sweet chocolate morsels
  • 2 T heavy cream
  • 1/2 T butter
  • Extra tea powder or curry powder for dusting
  1. Roughly chop the chocolate into small pieces (if using a chocolate bar) and place in a heat-proof bowl.

  2. In a small saucepan over medium heat, bring the heavy cream to a boil.

  3.   Add the sugar and tea powder and whisk until dissolved.

  4.  Pour the cream mixture into the chocolate and whisk until smooth.

  5.  If not all of the chocolate dissolves, fill the saucepan half way with water and bring it to a boil.  Place the bowl of the truffle mixture over the saucepan (make sure the water isn’t actually touching the bottom of the bowl, but rather is an inch or so under it) and whisk until smooth.

  6.  Pour the mixture onto a baking sheet or into a loaf pan and place it in the refrigerator until cooled and firm. 

  7.   Remove from the fridge and scoop into balls using a melon baller or spoon, forming small ½” – 1” balls.  You can use your hands to do this if necessary, though it’s going to be a little messy!

  8.  Place the formed balls back on the baking sheet and place in the freezer for 30 minutes to an hour, until firm. 

  9. When the truffles are almost done firming up in the freezer, place ¼ cup of semi-sweet morsels in a heat proof bowl.

  10. Bring the two tablespoons of heavy cream to a boil (20 seconds in the microwave will do it) and pour it on top of the chocolate morsels.  Immediately add the butter and whisk vigorously until it is all smooth.  If it doesn’t all melt, use the method listed above in step 5 to finish melting the chocolate. 

  11.  Remove the truffles from the freezer and dip the top half in the melted chocolate.

  12. Place the dipped truffles on wax paper or parchment paper and use a sifter to sprinkle with the curry powder or tea powder or really whatever the hell you feel like sprinkling on them.

  13. Let dry before serving. 

  14.  These can be stored  in the fridge for up to one week, just let them sit out at room temperature for half an hour before serving! 

* I mentioned it above, but to make the tea leaf powder just pulse a few tablespoons in a hand-held coffee grinder or magic bullet, or use a mortar and pestle.  Some teas come super fine, in which case you can skip this step and just sift the tea over the truffles.  

Also! I'm in a desert in Arizona!  I know I haven't gotten around to posting pictures from Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver but that honestly either won't ever happen or it'll be in 3 months and you'll all be like "um why are you posting this now?" butttt here are  few deserty pics including the Grand Canyon!  I keep spelling "desert" as "dessert" because I'm dumb / a food blogger.